Source code for tuoni.TuoniDefaultCommands

import base64

class TuoniDefaultCommand:
    Internal class used by default commands provided
    def __init__(self, command_type, command_conf):
        self.command_type = command_type
        self.command_conf = command_conf
        self.execution_conf = None
        self.files = None

class TuoniDefaultPluginCommand(TuoniDefaultCommand):
    Internal class used by default plugin commands provided
    def __init__(self, command_type, command_conf, execution_conf = None):
        super().__init__(command_type, command_conf)
        if isinstance(execution_conf, ExecutionNew):
            self.execution_conf = {
                "execType": "NEW",
                "executable": execution_conf.proc_name,
                "suspended": execution_conf.suspended,
                "ppid": execution_conf.ppid,
                "username": execution_conf.username,
                "password": execution_conf.password
        elif isinstance(execution_conf, ExecutionExisting):
            self.execution_conf = {
                "execType": "EXISTING",
            self.execution_conf = execution_conf

[docs] class ExecutionNew: """ Execution context 'NEW' helper class """ def __init__(self, proc_name="notepad.exe", suspended=True, ppid = None, username = None, password = None): """ Constructor Attributes: proc_name (str): Executable to use for process creation suspended (bool): Should the process be suspended ppid (int): Faked parent PID username (str): Executing new process as other user password (str): Password for the user """ self.proc_name = proc_name self.suspended = suspended self.ppid = ppid self.username = username self.password = password
[docs] class ExecutionExisting: """ Execution context 'EXISTING' helper class """ def __init__(self, pid): """ Constructor Attributes: pid (int): PID of the process where injection should happen suspended (bool): Should the process be suspended """ = pid
######################### ## Native commands #########################
[docs] class TuoniCommandBof(TuoniDefaultCommand): """ Default command type "bof" helper class """ _class_base_type = "bof" def __init__(self, bof_file, method = "go", inputArgs = None, inputArgsEncoding = None, inputAsBytes = None, pack_format = None, pack_args = None): super().__init__("bof", {"method": method, "inputArgs": inputArgs, "inputArgsEncoding": inputArgsEncoding, "inputAsBytes": inputAsBytes, "pack_format": pack_format, "pack_args": pack_args}) self.files = {"bofFile": ["filename.bin", bof_file]}
[docs] class TuoniCommandCd(TuoniDefaultCommand): """ Default command type "cd" helper class """ _class_base_type = "cd" def __init__(self, dir): super().__init__("cd", {"dir": dir})
[docs] class TuoniCommandDie(TuoniDefaultCommand): """ Default command type "die" helper class """ _class_base_type = "die" def __init__(self): super().__init__("die", {})
[docs] class TuoniCommandLs(TuoniDefaultCommand): """ Default command type "ls" helper class """ _class_base_type = "ls" def __init__(self, dir, depth = 1): super().__init__("ls", {"dir": dir, "depth": depth})
[docs] class TuoniCommandCmd(TuoniDefaultPluginCommand): """ Default command type "cmd" helper class """ _class_base_type = "cmd" def __init__(self, command, stdin = None, outputEncoding = None): super().__init__("cmd", {"command": command, "stdin": stdin, "outputEncoding": outputEncoding})
[docs] class TuoniCommandJobs(TuoniDefaultPluginCommand): """ Default command type "jobs" helper class """ _class_base_type = "jobs" def __init__(self): super().__init__("jobs", {})
[docs] class TuoniCommandProclist(TuoniDefaultPluginCommand): """ Default command type "ps" helper class """ _class_base_type = "ps" def __init__(self): super().__init__("ps", {})
[docs] class TuoniCommandRun(TuoniDefaultPluginCommand): """ Default command type "run" helper class """ _class_base_type = "run" def __init__(self, cmdline, output = True, stdin = None, unicode = None, outputEncoding = None): super().__init__("run", {"cmdline": cmdline, "output": output, "stdin": stdin, "unicode": unicode, "outputEncoding": outputEncoding})
[docs] class TuoniCommandPowershell(TuoniDefaultPluginCommand): """ Default command type "powerhsell" helper class """ _class_base_type = "powershell" def __init__(self, command = None, stdin = None, outputEncoding = None): super().__init__("powershell", {"command": command, "stdin": stdin, "outputEncoding": outputEncoding})
[docs] class TuoniCommandSleep(TuoniDefaultPluginCommand): """ Default command type "sleep" helper class """ _class_base_type = "sleep" def __init__(self, sleep_time, sleep_random): super().__init__("sleep", {"sleep": sleep_time, "sleepRandom": sleep_random})
######################### ## Native token commands #########################
[docs] class TuoniCommandTokenSteal(TuoniDefaultPluginCommand): """ Default command type "token-steal" helper class """ _class_base_type = "token-steal" def __init__(self, pid): super().__init__("token-steal", {"pid": pid})
[docs] class TuoniCommandTokenDeleteAll(TuoniDefaultPluginCommand): """ Default command type "token-del-all" helper class """ _class_base_type = "token-del-all" def __init__(self): super().__init__("token-del-all", {})
[docs] class TuoniCommandTokenDelete(TuoniDefaultPluginCommand): """ Default command type "token-add" helper class """ _class_base_type = "token-add" def __init__(self, nr): super().__init__("token-add", {"nr": nr})
[docs] class TuoniCommandTokenList(TuoniDefaultPluginCommand): """ Default command type "token-list" helper class """ _class_base_type = "token-list" def __init__(self): super().__init__("token-list", {})
[docs] class TuoniCommandTokenMake(TuoniDefaultPluginCommand): """ Default command type "token-make" helper class """ _class_base_type = "token-make" def __init__(self, username, password): super().__init__("token-make", {"username": username, "password": password})
[docs] class TuoniCommandTokenUse(TuoniDefaultPluginCommand): """ Default command type "token-use" helper class """ _class_base_type = "token-use" def __init__(self, nr): super().__init__("token-use", {"nr": nr})
######################### ## Plugin FS commands #########################
[docs] class TuoniCommandRm(TuoniDefaultPluginCommand): """ Default command type "rm" helper class """ _class_base_type = "rm" def __init__(self, filepath, execution_conf = None): super().__init__("rm", {"filepath": filepath}, execution_conf)
[docs] class TuoniCommandDownload(TuoniDefaultPluginCommand): """ Default command type "download" helper class """ _class_base_type = "download" def __init__(self, filepath, execution_conf = None): super().__init__("download", {"filepath": filepath}, execution_conf)
[docs] class TuoniCommandUpload(TuoniDefaultPluginCommand): """ Default command type "upload" helper class """ _class_base_type = "upload" def __init__(self, filepath, data, execution_conf = None): super().__init__("upload", {"filepath": filepath}, execution_conf) self.files = {"file": ["filename.bin", data]}
[docs] class TuoniCommandCp(TuoniDefaultPluginCommand): """ Default command type "cp" helper class """ _class_base_type = "cp" def __init__(self, source, destination, execution_conf = None): super().__init__("cp", {"source": source, "destination": destination}, execution_conf)
[docs] class TuoniCommandMv(TuoniDefaultPluginCommand): """ Default command type "mv" helper class """ _class_base_type = "mv" def __init__(self, source, destination, execution_conf = None): super().__init__("mv", {"source": source, "destination": destination}, execution_conf)
[docs] class TuoniCommandMkdir(TuoniDefaultPluginCommand): """ Default command type "mkdir" helper class """ _class_base_type = "mkdir" def __init__(self, dirpath, execution_conf = None): super().__init__("mkdir", {"dirpath": dirpath}, execution_conf)
######################### ## Plugin NET commands #########################
[docs] class TuoniCommandSocks5(TuoniDefaultPluginCommand): """ Default command type "socks5" helper class """ _class_base_type = "socks5" def __init__(self, port, execution_conf = None): super().__init__("socks5", {"port": port}, execution_conf)
[docs] class TuoniCommandConnectTcp(TuoniDefaultPluginCommand): """ Default command type "connect-tcp" helper class """ _class_base_type = "connect-tcp" def __init__(self, host, port, execution_conf = None): super().__init__("connect-tcp", {"host": host, "port": port}, execution_conf)
######################### ## Plugin OS commands #########################
[docs] class TuoniCommandexecuteAssembly(TuoniDefaultPluginCommand): """ Default command type "execute-assembly" helper class """ _class_base_type = "execute-assembly" def __init__(self, executable, parameters, execution_conf = None): super().__init__("execute-assembly", {"parameters": parameters}, execution_conf) self.files = {"executable": ["filename.bin", executable]}
[docs] class TuoniCommandInject(TuoniDefaultPluginCommand): """ Default command type "inject" helper class """ _class_base_type = "inject" def __init__(self, shellcode, execution_conf = None): super().__init__("inject", {}, execution_conf) self.files = {"shellcode": ["filename.bin", shellcode]}
[docs] class TuoniCommandProcinfo(TuoniDefaultPluginCommand): """ Default command type "procinfo" helper class """ _class_base_type = "procinfo" def __init__(self, execution_conf = None): super().__init__("procinfo", {}, execution_conf)
[docs] class TuoniCommandScreenshot(TuoniDefaultPluginCommand): """ Default command type "screenshot" helper class """ _class_base_type = "screenshot" def __init__(self, execution_conf = None): super().__init__("screenshot", {}, execution_conf)
[docs] class TuoniCommandSpawn(TuoniDefaultPluginCommand): """ Default command type "spawn" helper class """ _class_base_type = "spawn" def __init__(self, payloadId, encrypted_communication = True, execution_conf = None): super().__init__("spawn", {"payloadId": payloadId, "encryptedCommunication": encrypted_communication}, execution_conf)
[docs] class TuoniCommandJumpService(TuoniDefaultPluginCommand): """ Default command type "jump-service" helper class """ _class_base_type = "jump-service" def __init__(self, payloadId = None, copyMethod = None, copyPath = None, target = None, servicePath = None, serviceName = None, serviceDisplayName = None, cleanup = None, username = None, password = None, execution_conf = None): super().__init__("jump-service", {"payloadId": payloadId, "copyMethod": copyMethod, "copyPath": copyPath, "target": target, "servicePath": servicePath, "serviceName": serviceName, "serviceDisplayName": serviceDisplayName, "cleanup": cleanup, "username": username, "password": password}, execution_conf)
[docs] class TuoniCommandJumpWinrm(TuoniDefaultPluginCommand): """ Default command type "jump-winrm" helper class """ _class_base_type = "jump-winrm" def __init__(self, payloadId = None, copyMethod = None, copyPath = None, target = None, executablePath = None, customPowershell = None, username = None, password = None, execution_conf = None): super().__init__("jump-winrm", {"payloadId": payloadId, "copyMethod": copyMethod, "copyPath": copyPath, "target": target, "executablePath": executablePath, "customPowershell": customPowershell, "username": username, "password": password}, execution_conf)
[docs] class TuoniCommandJumpWmi(TuoniDefaultPluginCommand): """ Default command type "jump-wmi" helper class """ _class_base_type = "jump-wmi" def __init__(self, payloadId = None, copyMethod = None, copyPath = None, target = None, cmdline = None, username = None, password = None, execution_conf = None): super().__init__("jump-wmi", {"payloadId": payloadId, "copyMethod": copyMethod, "copyPath": copyPath, "target": target, "cmdline": cmdline, "username": username, "password": password}, execution_conf)
[docs] class TuoniCommandJumpSsh(TuoniDefaultPluginCommand): """ Default command type "jump-ssh" helper class """ _class_base_type = "jump-ssh" def __init__(self, payloadId = None, copyMethod = None, copyPath = None, target = None, cmdline = None, username = None, password = None, privateKeyPEM = None, privateKeyPassword = None, execution_conf = None): super().__init__("jump-ssh", {"payloadId": payloadId, "copyMethod": copyMethod, "copyPath": copyPath, "target": target, "cmdline": cmdline, "username": username, "password": password, "privateKeyPassword": privateKeyPassword}, execution_conf) self.files = {"privateKeyPEM": ["private.pem", privateKeyPEM]}
######################### ## Other commands #########################
[docs] class TuoniCommandReverseShellCommunication(TuoniDefaultCommand): """ Default command type "reverse-shell-communication" helper class """ def __init__(self, input): super().__init__("reverse-shell-communication", {"input": input})